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Barbie Bungee: Guaranteed Student Engagement

Best class period of the year so far! Students were very engaged and worked hard. From start to finish they were excited about the bungee jump.  We heard students talking about how much they had been looking forward to this and heard them cheer for their groups after an especially epic bungee jump. Today was one of those days where you just absolutely love your job.  Now all that being said, today did not just happen by chance.  We’ve been prepping for it for a while with our lessons but also preparing the students for how to work well in a group and to be independent learners.

Activity: Barbie Bungee Finale

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The Barbie Bungee context has come up several times throughout Chapter 3.  This is the activity where it all comes together.  Students work together to answer all of the questions on the activity before finally making their prediction for the number of rubber bands that will give Barbie the most thrilling jump.  The great thing about this context is that we can review almost every single learning target within this context.


To best measure how close Barbie gets to the floor, have students stand below the drop site holding meter sticks.  Then use the slow motion video option on an iPhone to take videos.  You can pause or screen shot the results to show students.  We took Barbie down to the staircase and let her fly! Check out the pictures to see how they did! Spoiler: Some Barbies didn’t make it out alive!


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