Students have just completed a unit on inference for proportions. This unit is quite parallel, but instead covering inference for means. Just as in the previous unit, we will start with confidence intervals and then move into significance tests.
If you are using TPS 4e, 5e, or Classic 6e and are not planning on following the sequence in the CED, you can simply use the sequence in our 150 Days of AP Stats. This sequence will cover everything in the CED (just in a slightly different sequence).
If you are using TPS 6e UPDATE or want to use the new sequence of topics in the CED, here is your plan:
Lesson Plans for CED Unit 7
Part 1: Confidence Intervals for Means
Chapter 10 in TPS 6e UPDATE
Day 3: Quiz 10.1
Day 6: Quiz 10.2
Day 7: Review
Day 8: Chapter 10 Test
Part 2: Significance Tests for Means
Chapter 11 in TPS 6e UPDATE
Day 2: Quiz 11.1
Day 6: Quiz 11.2
Day 7: Review
Day 8: Chapter 11 Test
Next up will be inference for categorical variables - chi square tests (CED Unit 8)!