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The Assessment Platform is Coming for AP Precalc!

Updated: Jul 19

We’re excited to share that in addition to the free EFFL lessons for AP Precalc that we released earlier this spring, we are also creating homework, quizzes, and tests for AP Precalc that will be available for purchase through the Math Medic Assessment Platform! This means you’ll have everything you need to teach and assess student learning for this brand new course.

The Assessment Platform will allow you to

  • Get access to pre-made homework, quizzes, and tests perfectly aligned to the Calc Medic AP Precalculus lessons

  • Modify existing assessments by adding, deleting, or swapping questions

  • Make multiple versions of quizzes and tests using the “Swap All” feature

  • Create your own assessments from our bank of high-quality questions

  • Print assessments or share with students via digital link

All of our questions are perfectly aligned to the Calc Medic AP Precalculus lessons and cover all of the content and themes outlined in the College Board’s Course and Exam Description (CED). We have developed hundreds of questions that will help your students develop conceptual understanding, build procedural fluency, and effectively communicate their reasoning. The Assessment Platform will feature both multiple choice and free response questions, just like the AP Exam! Additionally, all questions are tagged as “Basic”, “Intermediate”, or “Advanced” giving you the opportunity to customize any assessment to best meet the needs of your students.

An annual subscription to the Assessment Platform for AP Precalculus is $225. This purchase can be added to your current subscription for Math Medic courses or purchased independently.

Update: The AP Precalculus Assessment Platform is NOW AVAILABLE!

The Calc Medic AP Precalculus Assessments are now available through the Math Medic Assessment Platform. You will need to use your existing Math Medic account or create a new Math Medic account in order to get access.

If your school requires purchase orders or payment by check, email to get the process started now!


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