During the 2023-2024 school year, we have been refreshing all of the AP Stats lessons and trying them out in our classroom. In the fall, we will release all the Refreshed AP Stats Lessons, which is a full curriculum for AP Stats. Each lesson uses the Experience First, Formalize Later (EFFL) model for teaching and learning.
And if you’re looking to go all in with Math Medic, we will also be releasing homework, quizzes, and tests that will be perfectly aligned to the refreshed lessons. It's called the Assessment Platform for AP Statistics and you can now have a sneak peek of Unit 1 before the full release on August 1. All you need to do is set up a free Math Medic account.
If you purchase now, you will
maintain free access to Unit 1 over the summer
get immediate access to all other units on our official launch date of August 1, 2024
have your annual subscription until August 1, 2025
What All Is Included?
The Assessment Platform allows you to:
Get access to pre-made homework, quizzes, and tests perfectly aligned to the Math Medic AP Statistics lessons
Modify existing assessments by adding, deleting, or swapping questions
Make multiple versions of quizzes and tests using the “Swap All” feature
Create your own assessments from our bank of high-quality questions
Print assessments or share with students via digital link
Building Your Own Assessments
The Assessment Platform features both multiple choice and free response questions, many of which are written using AP-style language. Additionally, all questions are tagged as “Basic”, “Intermediate”, or “Advanced” giving you the opportunity to customize any assessment to best meet the needs of your students.

Try Out Unit 1 for Free!
In order to access the sneak peek, you will need to make a free Math Medic account (or log-in if you already have one) and then you’ll have access to all the homework, quizzes, and test from Unit 1. Plus, you can test out the features of our platform by building your own assessment.
Here are the three easy steps to getting a Free Demo:
Go to assess.mathmedic.com.
Log-in to your Math Medic account if you have one or create a new free account.
Click "Start a Free Demo" then click the Math Medic Assessment Platform icon in the upper left corner.