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Stats Medic Review Course is Free for Schools Impacted by Coronavirus

Updated: Sep 12, 2023

AP Statistics teachers across the country are in a very challenging position right now. With the AP Exams still a go for 2020, it is time to start reviewing for the AP Exam. This is the time when students fill in their learning gaps and organize the big picture of the course. This is the time we really need face-to-face with students to get them ready.

And coronavirus COVID-19 has now forced most of us into situations where we are expected to do all of this remotely.

East Kentwood High School closed its doors on March 13 with no face-to-face interaction with students for at least one month. We are left having to figure out a plan to make sure that all of our students are ready for the AP Exam. Fortunately, we have spent the last three years developing the all-online Stats Medic AP Exam Review Course – the perfect solution for the current situation. Our students will be working through this review from their homes over the next month. We realize that there are many teachers in our same situation without access to this resource.

Challenging situations call for creative solutions. Our community of AP Stats teachers and students have a very strong need for support right now and we care deeply about this community. This is why we have decided to offer the 2020 Stats Medic Review Course for free for schools impacted by coronavirus.

If your school is closed due to COVID-19 and you are interested in using this support with your students, you can now set up your own cohort and invite your students to join. You may need to create an account depending on whether or not you have used the Review Course before. This is a different platform than the Stats Medic website. Your login does not have to be the same as your Stats Medic account but it can be if you like.

Here are some support documents that will help you use the Review Course, including pacing guides, and instructions on how to monitor your students' progress.

To the teachers and schools who have already purchased this year:

Thank you! We truly appreciate your financial support. Without it, we would not have been able to make the decision to help this amazing community. The outpouring of support and resources that teachers have been sharing during this difficult time has been inspiring, and you all are a big part of this.

Right there with you,

- Luke and Lindsey


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